First Outing For Blacktail

As I live close to a mountain that holds a blacktail population that is huntabe by archery tackle only, I went out looking for a blacktail buck for the first time this season. Blacktail are especially hard to hunt and hunting them pre-rut only makes things more challenging, but its a close area to hunt …

Maryland’s Black Bear Update

  Maryland emailed me this note and asked to post it: 2008 Maryland’s Black Bear Hunting Lottery is Underway – See what hunters say! Maryland’s Black Bear Lottery is now through September 1, 2008. You can participate by going to: We put together an online guide to hunting black bear in Maryland and other …

Eastman’s Backcountry Bulls

As I am getting ready for my early season archery elk hunting trip in the rocky mountains of south east British Columbia, I am brushing up on calling and elk hunting by practicing and watching some elk hunting videos. I popped in Backcountry bulls from Eastman’s tonight and liked the footage of the horseback hunting …

Grizzly Bear Trophy Hunting a Positive Sustainable Activity

A fellow asked me the other day if I support trophy hunting for grizzly bears and I of course do but the explanation I gave to him was well recieved. Could education of the purpose of Grizzly bear hunting help persuade the naysayers? I believe so, by educating anti hunters about the reasons why we …

Excellent taxidermy preperation video

Have you ever been in the field with your downed trophy animal and wondered what to do next? There are alot of steps and precautions to take into consideration when making a trophy shoulder mount. If the right steps and precautions are not followed you could ruin your once in a lifetime trophy. Therefore It …

Nifty Little Range Finder Holder

As an archer I am continually trying out new gear and testing how to be most effeciant with my setup. I ordered a range finder holder from cherry hill outdoors in order to have a better system for my binos and rangefinder. I used a string from my bino buddies to carry my range finder …

Mule Deer Hunting Video Review

Title: High & Low in Mule Deer Country Publisher: Eastman’s The Video is a classic Eastman’s production trademarked with the classic music enchanting all Eastman flicks. There is some great tips on patterning mule deer and how to hunt big cagey trophy mule deer. These guys are trophy hunters so you get to see some …

Bear Down with Rifle

It is always a joy to see a hunter take his first big game animal and I was very happy to take member Chris out for a bear hunt and help him have a successful black bear hunt. We started down an area we scouted last year that showed promise with all the bear …