Black Bear Hunting Interview

John Stallone from the The Hunting Channel Online did an interview with me  and went over some bear hunting topics such as scouting, preperation, and baiting. We also talked a bit about my book at Check out the interview here:  

Black Bear in Dingy

Just got  this email that had an interesting picture of a black bear in a dingy. Here is the story: October 26, 2011  |  Location: Sonora Island  |  Submitted by rubus_idaeus This summer we had a funny thing happen in our anchorage. We were in Handfield Bay (Thurston Bay Marine Provincial Park) on the Northwest …

White Bear Cubs in Eastern BC

I hope the citizens of Elkford appreciate the rarity of having to white bear cubs around their town. I hope they work together on keeping the garbage and food out of the way so the bears stay outside the city limits. It would be a shame to have to destroy these rare bears.:

Cultus Lake Bear Killed

So this makes 167 bears killed because of attacks, conflicts, or threats this year in BC. 163 black bears and 4 grizzly bears. I hope anti-hunters and animal activists see that if there is no hunting, the animal population loses it’s fear of man and will continue to have these conflicts. Bear hunting in BC …

Grizzly Accidental Deaths

It is too bad that grizzly bears, especially sows get killed by trains.  I know a lot of animals meet their demise on the train tracks. Hopefully some type of solution can be figured out to reduce the number of grizzly bear and other animal deaths by train accidents. Perhaps some type of scent sprayed …

Polar Bear Attack in Norway

There were a group of 13 young campers in Northern Norway and during the night a polar bear attacked the campers despite a wire trip alarm. Luckily one of the campers had a gun and killed the bear. Reports say a 17 year old was killed and 4 were injured.

Cow fights Black Bear

I just received this email today. It is quite an interesting story with great pictures about a bear trying to attack a cow. The cow’s really take it to the black bear in this battle: Interesting photos from a ranch in the Kettle Valley , BC area where every year they have to deal with …

Bear Attack Season

It seems like this time of year always brings a barrage of bear attacks. Since the year 2000 there have been 2 deaths and 38 injuries from grizzly bears in British Columbia alone. There have been 2 deaths from bear attacks in BC since the year 2000. In the past week of this year there …