NDP leader Jack Layton calls for handgun ban

I just read this notice on banning handgunds in Canada, I would really enjoy some input from our American neighbours on this one:

By: John Bermingham
The Province
March 17, 2009

Federal NDP Leader Jack Layton yesterday called the Lower Mainland gang killings an "arms race." Layton was in Vancouver to meet with Vancouver Police Chief Jim Chu and Coun. George Chow to discuss the spate of shootings around the city.

"There’s probably no city in the country right now that is understanding the need for action more than Vancouver," said Layton, after the meeting at Vancouver police headquarters.

"We’re not seeing this elsewhere in Canada but, believe me, we’re going to if we don’t see some action taken against these gangs." Layton, flanked by Vancouver-Kingsway MP Don Davies, said there aren’t enough cops on Vancouver streets.

He also pressed for more prosecutors, especially federal prosecutors.

And he wants to ban handguns in cities such as Vancouver, and called for an international summit on the illegal cross-border gun trade.

Last month, the Conservatives introduced legislation to make gang murders carry automatic life-in-jail penalties, and boost sentences for drive-by shootings and assaults on police.

It also re-introduced legislation to give mandatory jail time to those producing and selling illegal drugs.

"We haven’t seen what we need to see yet from the federal government," said Layton. "There’s need for more legislation, prosecutions, policing and prevention." But Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said Layton should support both bills, instead of playing to the cameras.

"You’ll never make the NDP happy," said Nicholson. We [the Tories] are the ones that are consistent on this." Nicholson said he’s trying to get the crime bills through the House of Commons, but the NDP is focused instead on a free-trade agreement with Colombia.

"I just want these things to go through," said Nicholson. "But I need the help of the other political parties." – Liberal MP Ujjal Dosanjh will hold a townhall meeting on gang violence tomorrow night at South Vancouver Neighbourhood House, starting at 7 p.m.



I am all for banning illegal guns from gang members but the problem is that gangsters dont tend to follow the laws already in place. Banning handguns from everyone will not deter gangsters from carrying handguns, It will just take them away from law abiding citizens. Gangsters do not buy their guns from hunting stores or steal from hunters homes, they import them through their black market connections. Just like they dont buy cocaine, crack, heroine, meth, and weed at the store. They will always bring in their own weapons just like their drugs. So in closing, I feel banning handguns will just keep them out of the honest man’s hands and not the gangsters.

Groups call for end to B.C. bear hunt

Here is a report from the Vancouver Province Newspaper on banning bear hunting:

By: Elaine O’Connor
Vancouver Province
March 17, 2009

Imagine the Great Bear Rainforest without bears.

That’s what B.C. First Nations and environmental groups asked the public to do Tuesday as they launched a campaign to end grizzly and black bear trophy hunting.

“It’s not a hunt. And it’s not trophy hunting. It’s slaughtering,” said Arnie Bellis, vice-president of the Council of the Haida Nation, speaking at a press conference at Simon Fraser University.

In 2007, 430 grizzly bears were killed in B.C. — 87 per cent by sport hunters.

“It doesn’t make economic sense, it doesn’t make biologic sense. It’s damaging B.C.’s bears, but it is also damaging B.C.’s reputation,” Ian McAllister, a conservationist with Pacific Wild, said of the practice.

B.C. bears are in the middle of a battle between First Nations communities, who have set up eco-tourism businesses that take tourists to photograph the bears, and B.C.’s guide outfitter industry, which take hunters to kill the bears.

Art Sterritt, executive director of the Coastal First Nations Turning Point Initiative, said the government must manage bears to promote sustainable tourism.

“This is not a sustainable industry,” Sterritt said of trophy hunting. “It is jeopardizing the sustainable industries we are trying to create.”

Environment Minister Barry Penner said the ministry was taking action by expanding protections.

“We are setting aside a further 475,000 hectares where grizzly bear hunting will not be allowed and a further 170,000 hectares where black bear hunting will not be allowed,” he said Tuesday.

The new closures will take effect in June and bring the total area closed to grizzly hunting to 1.9 million hectares.

Scott Ellis of the Guide Outfitters Association of B.C. said bear hunting brings in $120 million a year, $2.5 million generated from guided grizzly bear hunts alone, which charge up to $20,000 per trip.

He said a moratorium would hurt B.C.’s 230 guide businesses.

“Bear hunting, in spring specifically, is a very important part of our businesses. Without bear hunting many wouldn’t be viable.”

The Environment Ministry estimates there are approximately 16,000 grizzly bears and up to 160,000 black bears in B.C.

— with files from Suzanne Fournier


I personally disagree with banning any form of hunting especailly if it is scientifically viable and an economic advantage. People have to take the emotion out of the equation and realize that hunting is a part of our heritage and grizzly bears are not endagered in BC.

What Bow to Start With

I just had a question sent to me that I thought would help others looking to get into archery for the first time:

Question: "looking 4 a bow…complete beginner ..should i go new or used? If you know of any could you let me know.


My Answer: "I would start off with a used bow, and then once you do your research and find out what you want after you are used to shooting, spring for a good quality bow. You should get your drawlength measured and start with a 50-60 lb bow. I dont know of any for sale, but keep an eye on craigslist, ebay, and the buysell. you could also call wayne at big game archery to give you a hand getting measured and setup, he might have a bow on consignment you can try out.

It made me think of other people starting their ranks in the archery world, dont just go out and spend bunch of money until you have fine tuned your craft and know what you are looking for. Please dont start out with a heavy drawlength or it will deter you from learning proper technique and cause problems like taget panick,plucking, early release etc. A 40lb or 50lbs is more than enough to kill deer and appropriate for beginers. If you are a youth shooter start with even lower poundages!

To Choose A Grizzly Round

I have been studying maps, google earth, and practicing my shooting at the range all for my spring grizzly hunt in the B.C. interior. During this time I have also been playing with the Federal Ammunition website to find the optimal grizzly round for my .300 Winchester Magnum. I am sold on the Barnes TSX bullets because of their design and penetration so I was trying to find what  the optimal weight would be for grizzly hunting. The Federal website was very helpful as you can choose what game your hunting with what caliber you are using and it gives you recommendations in which you can compare to find the right combination. For my situation, using a .300WM on a grizzly bear, required a few 180grain and 200 grain options. I narrowed it to the Barnes TSX180 grain, Barnes MRX 180grain, and the Barnes 200 grain Trophy Bonded Bear Claw. I found that the 180 grain MRX bullet had the most velocity (fps) and energy (ft-lbs) at all different ranges. Besides, I like the Barnes MRX bullet design better than the Trophy Bonded Bear Claw, even though the latter has killed multiple brown bears I am sure.

So now I just need to pick up a few boxes of the 180grain Barnes MRX in Federal Vital Shok, and sight in with the new rounds!

I also have to buy some bullets for my backup: .458Win Mag 400 grain Federal Vital Shok Trophy Bonded Bear Claw rounds. I do not look forward to trying them out, as that gun has some kick!

Sick of Bear Hunting Opposition

Now every time I hear about grizzly bear hunting it is always left wing political lobbiests that are trying to ban grizzly bear hunting and other types of bear hunting. All this negative public image of bear hunting is making me sick, it is just the first way in the door for anti-hunting groups to gain a stronghold in mainstream society. I would like people to use common sense and think of the immense benefits of grizzly bear and black bear hunting brings to our ecological and financial environments. Here is the latest group to push the anti hunting propaganda message: http://www.pacificwild.org/

I encourage all hunters and true outdoors men and women to write to their political parties to issue concern on the above group.

Who else besides bear hunters contribute funds into grizzly bear and black bear conservation and research?

How else are bears going to respect boundaries and urban environments if they lose their fear of man due to lack of hunting pressure?

Just remeber that bear management is better for the herd and only 6% of the grizzly population is taken annualy and if more females are taken or missing that alloted, the tags are decreased the following year to keep numbers up.

Here are some other sites to check out:




Bear Hunting DVD Launch

Hi All, just giving everyone a heads up that "The Black Bear Hunting Encyclopedia" DVD and book will be available on March 25th 2009 here:


just giving everyone fair warning that this product is in high demand and will not last long as it is a limited edition run, so reserve your copies on the website before the launch so you dont miss out on this action packed bear hunting DVD and book.

The DVD and book cover all aspects of bear hunting from information about the animal, scouting, equipment, hunting tactics, archery, rifle, baiting, spot and stalk, field care, taxidermy, recipes, and multiple stories.



Practice for Grizzly hunt

Since I drew that spring grizzly tag I went out to the range to practice my shooting and also have a chance to work up a load with my .300 wm Weatherby Vangauard.

I had some good success with the IMR 4350 powder getting 4 shots inside 1 M.O.A shooting off of a single front rest.

all in all I was happy with the shooting as all the groups were more than acceptable. I still plan on doing some more shooting and working up some more loads.

I am going to talk to the game warden and biologist for the area I got my grizzly draw in to see if I can get some more information. I also have a friend that was successful last year in that area so maybe he will share some advice with me.

Spring Grizzly Draw Success

I just found out I drew a 2009 spring Grizzly bear hunt open from April 1-June 10 2009 in the Quesnel highlands around Horsefly in British Columbia Canada. I am extremely excited and will be starting to do the preparitory scouting, talking to biologists, and shooting practice. I will keep you updated in new developments and lets hope for a successful trip!