Maybe I am not the only hunter living in a condo with limited storage space for all my hunting and camping gear. It can be good to have limited space, as you prioritize what you absolutely need to function and then turf the rest.
I for one am a gear junkie and have a raft of hunting and camping equipment that is stored at friends homes, at the in laws house, and most commonly used items are put in the store room. I like to have things organized, and after helping another condo bound outdoor enthusiast with his condo storage unit, I asked him to help me with my storage room. What are friends for right?
anyways, we used old plywood and 2×4 for the shelving and I picked up some slat board from the local hunting store to hang my most popularly used pieces of equipment on like: bino’s, rangefinder, pack, sleeping bag, etc. In half a day weconstructed 3 shelves and lined both sides of the store unit with slat board. I am quite happy with the results.