Did You See The 1016 Yard Black Bear Kill Shot?

I was on youtube and a friend showed me this long range shot on a black bear. I am just wondering if this is responsible hunting. I know the guys doing the shooting were highly skilled and had the right technical equipment as you can see in the video but it still seems like a stretch to kill game at that distance due to variables. I wonder if the bear could have moved before the gun shot and the bullet reached him? I am very fascinated at the skill required to take an animal at that distance but I am still on the fence wether or not it is a good practice to get into. I would love to recieve the training and practice to be able to do long range shooting like that but I would not do it unless I was 100% confident that i would not wound the game. Check out this: kill zone chart for black bears if you want to see the small room for error required at that yardage.