Second Traditional Archery 3D Target Shoot

traditional archer At the local club in town today there was a 3D shoot, first part of a triple crown competition that I wont be winning 🙂 I was using my ChekMate Falcon recurve 50# @ 28" draw with Easton XX75 arrows. I had fun, but it was a challenging course and I lost a few arrows, and broke a few arrows. It was a steep up and down course on a local mountain with plenty of big rocks to break arrows. Seeing how it was my second 3D target shoot, I thought I would improve upon my 192/400 score that I got on my first shoot. I ended up with a 162/400, taking a step back. A lot of practice is still needed for me to be a successful traditional archer, It is much more challenging than using a compound bow with pins let me tell you.

Anyways enjoy some of the pics, and if you want to learn more about traditional archery check out this page:

Traditional Archery


 3d black bear