Paddle for Wild Salmon

When & Where

On Wed. April 28,  a core group of us committed to the survival of wild salmon, will put our canoes in the waters of Hope, B.C., and paddle down river for 9-10 days until reaching the mouth of the Fraser.  

How you can help;

In the time between now and our date of departure, we are asking communities all along the Fraser River to sign petitions asking for the end of fish farms that are contributing to the demise of Wild Salmon through poor practice and the resulting spread of sea lice.

The Plan;

As we paddle down river, we will be stopping at every community along the Fraser River that offers safe welcome and a place to pull off, and will ask members of the community to join us and bring with the them the petition that has been signed by their people. Eventually, we will bring all petitions collected along the river across the Georgia Straight to Sidney, where we will meet up with Alexandra Morton on May 7 and join her on the final stretch of her walk to Victoria where we will stand together as many before Parliament on May 8 and demand that Wild Salmon come before industrial fish farms.


We welcome those who wish to join us on stretches of the paddle down the Fraser River. An itinerary will be available on the website and facebook page soon. Those who want to paddle with us on the departure from Hope, please contact me at We encourage banners, flags and signs for wild salmon! We would love a great send off! If you can’t paddle but support the cause, come send us off with a great “Hoorah!”

* All paddlers will have to show they have a river worthy vessel before joining us and must have paddling experience, as well as be self sufficient with all personal needs and requirements.